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We are AIM.
The Italian Association of Music Therapy

Sound and music shaping relationships 

Our history

Our journey for the recognition of Music Therapy

Since decades we have been working, traveling, meeting and spreading knowledge all over Italy about our profession. Here we are, looking forward to the future of Music Therapy.


The beginning

Music therapy was introduced for the first time in Italy midway through the 1970s, more specifically at the National Bologna Conference in 1973.


First national event

Juliette Alvin attended and presented her work at the first National Music Therapy Seminar in 1973 in Bologna.


World Federation of Music Therapy is founded

In 1985 in Genoa, Italy, the World Federation of Music Therapy was founded during the 5° World Congress of Music Therapy.


A national growth

Around the 1980s and 2000s, it was essential to increase contact with important representatives of music therapy in Europe and the USA who contributed to enrich the wealth of knowledge and theories.


A widespread practice

Music therapy gradually became a recognized and accredited practice spread throughout the country and music therapists are now present and appreciated within the various social-educational, rehabilitative and therapeutic teams.

Our mission and our contribution

Professional Recognition in Italy

In Italy the recognition of music therapy as a profession is regulated by Law 4/2013, approved by the Italian government in January 2013.

This Law recognises the existence of new professions and establishes the characteristics of the professional associations, constituted in order to enhance the competences of their members and guarantee and monitor their continuing professional development.

persone anziane che fanno attività con strumenti musicali a percussione, stando sedute su sedie di legno
mani di un ragazzo che suona la pianola affiancato da un adulto

After the law’s ratification, a UNI (Italian Institute of Regulation) working group of professional associations of Arts Therapies was created. AIM participated to the working group for the definition of

the UNI standard, a technical regulation that defines the specific knowledge, skills and competences that professional arts therapists, including music therapists, must have.

At the moment in Italy, the best way to be recognized as professional music therapists is through a membership in a professional association and/or self-regulated and qualified with the possession of a specific certification in music therapy, in accordance with the technical regulation 11592 issued in October 2015 by (UNI) ad approved by ACCREDIA (Italian Institution of Accreditation).

Our organization

Italian Association of Professional Music Therapists

AIM has been established in 2002.

In October 2019 AIM has achieved the approval and reached the inscription into the list of new profession by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development, as specified under Law 4/2013.

The Law has stated that these associations must have a clear code of conduct, which includes: transparency in activities and structure; observation of professional ethics; an appropriate organizational structure and a qualified scientific committee within the association; clear access to an information point for the consumers; monitoring of its members in continuing professional development

Professional standards for members

AIM defines the professional standards for the association’s members with regard to the clinical and ethical aspects for guaranteeing the correct practice.

Support music therapists

AIM establishes and maintains contact with music therapists members; creates working groups to encourage the exchange through members; spreads updated information on different fields of work.

Foster interdisciplinary and international debate around Music Therapy

AIM builds and keeps contact with other music therapists and professional associations in Italy and around the world; it also develops and maintains new and established relationship with professionists of related fields.

An association made of people

Core Board and Commision



Maggiori Marinella

Board of directors

Ceccato Enrico, Vice-Presidente

Sabatini Valentina

Zingarelli Marzia

Board of Arbitrators

Varagnolo Alessandra – President

Bonfiglioli Luisa e Capolsini Lorenzo (membri effettivi)


Patzak Alexandra

Relationships with EMTC

Giordano Filippo

Country Representative and South Europe Region Coordinator (European Music Therapy Confederation)

Relationships with WFMT

Marinella Maggiori

Regional Liason Europe (World Federation of Music Therapy)

Marinella Maggiori

Marinella Maggiori


Enrico Ceccato

Enrico Ceccato

Vice President

Valentina Sabatini

Valentina Sabatini

Board member

Marzia Zingarelli

Marzia Zingarelli

Board member

Past conferences

Since 2016 AIM has promoted some working groups, with members who work in different fields (e.g. Oncology and Palliative Care, Autism, Disabilities, Dementia…), who periodically organize workshops, seminars and national congresses.

2016 Roma – Conference with Clare O’Callaghan

In October, 2016 AIM organized a congress “Music Therapy in Oncology and Palliative Care. Structure and work process among clinic and research” and invited Prof. Dr. Clare O’Callaghan to attend and give two important lectures.

📄 Link to the program

2016 Bologna – Conference with Leslie Bunt

15th November 2016 AIM organised the Seminar for members and invited Prof. Dr. Leslie Bunt to attend and give two important lectures “L’integrazione di mente, corpo e spirito nella pratica e nello studio della musicoterapia: alcuni pensieri e riflessioni”.

📄 Link to the program

2017 Bologna – Conference and workshop with Jos De Backer and Cheryl Dileo

11-12 November 2017 AIM organised two day of CPD for AIM members and invited Prof. Dr. Cheryl Dileo and Prof. Dr. Jos De Backer to attend and give two important lectures and workshop.

📄 Link to the program

2018 Trapani – Conference and EMTC General Assembly

4-5 May 2018 AIM organised two day of CPD for AIM members: Music in music therapy; theory, clinical practice, research. First day conference with Mariagrazia Baroni, Tali Gottfried, Melissa Mercadal-Brotons, Elena Mignosi, Ranka Radulovic, Jacqueline Robarts, Melanie Voigt; second day workshops with Paolo Caneva, Giacomo Gaggero, Jacqueline Robarts, Barbara Zanchi.

📄 Link to the program

2019 Rovereto – Conference with Prof. Dr. Paola Venuti, Prof. Dr. Katrien Foubert and Dr. Brigit Sebreghts

22 November 2019 AIM organized a conference for AIM members: “La musicoterapia nei disturbi dello spettro autistico” con Prof. Dr. Paola Venuti,
Prof. Dr. Katrien Joubert, Dr. Brigit Sebreghts, Stefano Cainelli, Marinella Maggiori, Lisa Guandalini e Sara Angeletti.

📄 Link to the program

Conference with Prof. Dr. Clare O’Callaghan

October 2016 – Roma

A picture from the 2016 Bologna AIM meting

Conference with Prof. Dr. Leslie Bunt

November 2016 – Bologna

Conference with Prof. Dr. Leslie Bunt

November 2016 – Bologna

Conference and workshop with Prof. Dr, Jos De Backer and Prof. Dr. Cheryl Dileo

2017 – Bologna

Conference and workshop with Prof. Dr. Jos De Backer and Prof. Dr. Cheryl Dileo

2017 – Bologna

Conference and EMTC General Assembly with Melissa Mercadal Brotons, Dr. Ranka Radulovic, Dr. Melanie Voigt.

2018 – Trapani

Conference and EMTC General Assembly

2018 – Trapani

Conference and EMTC General Assembly with Dr. Melanie Voigt.

2018 – Trapani

Conference with Prof. Dr. Paola Venuti, Prof. Dr. Katrien Foubert and Dr. Brigit Sebreghts

2019 – Rovereto

Conference with Prof. Dr. Paola Venuti, Prof. Dr. Katrien Foubert and Dr. Brigit Sebreghts

2019 – Rovereto

Our contacts

Where you can find us

AIM –  Italian Association of Professional Music Therapists

Registered office:

at Studio6
Viale Regina Margherita 18/1 – 42124 Reggio Emilia (RE)

Head office:

at Antoniano Insieme
Via Guinizelli 13 – 40125 Bologna (BO)

C.F. 94093490483
IBAN: IT05 I053 8736 6400 0000 2214 165

Write us an email at
Follow us on Facebook at AIM-Musicoterapia​